Acclaimed Hollywood director, Robert Rodriguez, whose films such as Once Upon a Time in Mexico, Sin City and Machete, contain protagonists with an affinity for striking down their enemies with an air of savagery and precision, has joined forces with the NBA player best known for gutting his opponents with the same brand of killer instinct – none other than Kobe Bryant.
Their joint project, an aptly named eight-minute short film entitled, The Black Mamba, will debut during NBA All-Star weekend (February 18-20). The film will work to promote both the Nike Zoom Kobe VI and Kobe’s new “True Colors” clothing venture. The taglines featured in the trailer are simply: “THE WORLD’S BEST BASKETBALL PLAYER…BIGGEST CHALLENGE YET…KOBE BRYANT IS THE BLACK MAMBA…A ROBERT RODRIGUEZ FILM.”
For all intents and purposes, those lines tell just enough about the Bryant-Rodriguez collaborative effort, but at the least it looks like we’ll have a big something extra to anxiously await as All-Star weekend approaches. Don’t forget as well, Kobe is all about viral videos.
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