Seeing as how Entourage, the greatest television show ever created, aired its farewell episode last night, it seems only fitting that we revisit the show’s best footwear moment. In Season 3, Episode 11, Jerry Ferrara’s character, Turtle, is on the hunt for a limited edition Nike Air Force 1. He makes the mistaken assumption that Vince will be his ticket to cut through the line at UNDFTD in Los Angeles, an idea to which his movie star best friend is reluctant to comply.
In the episode, a fictional graffiti artist, Fukijama, holds a contract with Nike to produce 200 specialty pairs every year, thereby making the kicks an incredibly limited drop. As it turns out, Turtle’s miscalculated decision to try and bypass the line on Vince’s coattails ultimately leads him to failure, losing the last pair in his size to none other than, the late DJ AM (RIP). However, being the incredibly giving and carefree friend that Vince is, he pays Fukijama $20,000 (might as well get the Mags) to design a one-of-a-kind pair just for Turtle.
It’s episodes like this that really made Entourage something more than just a scripted television show. The producers and writers really made a concerted effort not only to create all sorts of hardy connections with viewers, but also, to always maintain a sense of reality within a world where that line becomes all too blurry sometimes. The way that the show shot on location so much is what made you feel like you were a part of the show as an L.A. native because you knew so many of the spots the characters would hit up – pure genius.
NEXT: The Kicks