
Nike Kobe X HTM QS Releases | New Oreo Colorway

Nike Kobe X HTM

In April of 2014, we got the Kobe 9 Elite Lows in the first ever HTM series. In four amazing colorways, the shoes were easily a fan favorite. In April of 2015, three more HTM Elite Lows released in the Kobe X silhouette.

Ever since the Nike Kobe 9, fans have been drooling over HTM colorways. Today, NikeLab randomly announced another version of the HTM. This pair features a black and white “Oreo” Flyknit upper with a white ankle lining and Swoosh/Kobe branding. There clear translucent outsole comes in a blue hue to match the royal blue lace eyelets. The added blue can be tied into Hiroshi Fujiwaara’s Fragment Design.

Unfortunately, these were only released at the NikeLab store on 21 Mercer St.

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