Watching Michael J. Fox on David Letterman’s show last night was deeply inspirational and moving. When he spoke of finding a cure for Parkinson’s Disease, the sense that I got was that he was not at all speaking with the motive of, “I want to cure myself first and foremost,” but rather, a genuine desire to eradicate the world of the illness so that no one has to go through life struggling with it. His spirit, quick wit and boyish charm are all as exuberant as ever, which was wonderful to see.
Sure the Nike Mag is garnering most of the attention, but the kicks are ultimately just a vehicle for a much, much greater cause. As the leader of the country’s second largest Parkinson’s Research Foundation, only behind the Federal Government, Michael J. Fox even got Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the founders of Google, to match each dollar made through the exclusive eBay auction (below) up to $50 million. Each part of this fundraising effort is just indescribably creative and elevating.
Check out a special message from Michael J. Fox above and an excerpt from his interview last night with David Letterman below!
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[phpbay keywords=”Limited Edition 2011 Nike MAG” num=”3″ siteid=”1″ sortorder=”BestMatch” templatename=”columns” columns=”3″ paging=”true”]